Help…. my dog is knocking me down !!

Help…. my dog is knocking me down !!

I have been approached by several readers with the question whether I can help them with the problem, that the dog is pulling very strong on the leash.

This is a very common problem and also has to do with the ranking between the dog and its owner. A lower ranked animal in the pack should follow his leader. He is forbidden to walk ahead of his leader. There is a big difference between walking owners with their dogs, who have previously followed a dog course with the animal or owners who have let their dogs go their own way. When the dog becomes mature and stronger, this can lead to dangerous situations.

Once I have trained a small lady with a large robust Labrador Retriever privately, after she was pulled on a busy and dangerous street by her dog. After three weeks of training, she was ready to fully control her dog while walking in the street.

When the dog pulls strongly on the leash, there is the method to try to claim his attention with his favorite toy. He has to turn back around in your direction, then just enthusiastically play with him. You must always repeat this. Also learn to recognize on the dog at what time he is going to pull. Try to avoid pulling the dog by going immediately into playing at the moment you think he will give a jerk at the leash.

Unfortunately, the stimulus that the dog causes to pull at the leash is often too strong to immediately distract him with a toy.

‘Stop! Heel! Sit!!!’

When an over-enthusiastic dog sees a cat, a passing cyclist or another dog on the other side of the street, the animal develops an enormous energy.

Another method is to walk with the dog in a somewhat quieter environment. Every time he pulls at the leash or when he is so ahead of you that the leash becomes tighter, you should immediately turn the dog 180 degrees into your direction. You have to force the animal in the opposite direction, time after time. When he turns into your direction (with your help), you reward him with a friendly voice. You must continue to carry out this exercise consistently. It may even be that the first few times you cannot walk 10 meters further, because you had to keep going the other way again and again, when the dog pulled the leash, but you will have good result with this exercise.

The “trick” of this exercise is that you get the dog out of its orientation. By turning the animal back and forth in the opposite direction, he loses his orientation. After some time he will pay more attention to you, because he is uncertain in which direction to walk and will follow you as a leader. Do you have a stiff and stubborn dog, then you can pull the dog with some force turned in your direction, immediately when the leash goes tight.

When the dog starts to respond, I advise you to teach the animal the “FOLLOW” command. When he starts to keep an eye on you and keeps walking closer to you, you can give the command “FOLLOW” to the dog. Use his toy again to keep his attention. You also have to talk to him constantly. Force the dog to Keep constantly paying attention to you in this way. At times when he is walking right next to you, you will reward him with your voice. It is also important to interrupt the exercises regularly with a fun tug-of-war game with the dog and his toy.

When you challenge the dog to play, you also ensure that he has to turn completely in your direction first. He must follow you under all circumstances, regardless of whether it is during running, walking or playing.

It is also important that you, among other things, apply some extra rules at home. For example…. the dog may no longer walk in front of you through an open door. He has to wait until you, his leader, are the first to go through the doorway and only after he is allowed to pass.

If you open the door for a visitor, the dog has to sit down and he may greet the visit only when you give him the command to do so.

By consistently and continuously applying the above exercises, you will notice that your dog will no longer be pulling the leash within a few weeks and the animal will also pay attention to you and listen to you in a short time.


Do you have questions regarding this article or do you need advice regarding other situations, then I am happy to help you !!!

Published by doghelp

Caro visitatore, benvenuto nel blog di DOGHELP per il tuo cane … .. Sono un esperto nel comportamento di cani e lupi. Ho lavorato con lupi, cani e volpi per oltre 30 anni. Ho partecipato a programmi televisivi sul comportamento dei cani domestici e sull’aggressione dei cani. Ho scritto articoli sul comportamento dei cani per diversi giornali e settimanali negli Stati Uniti d’America e in Europa. Ho iniziato a lavorare con i cani come istruttore certificato presso la Società Olandese per la Protezione degli Animali (DB). Sono istruttore di cani ufficialmente certificato dalla SPCA. (oltre ad altre certificazioni). Durante gli anni ’90 ho sviluppato un metodo di allenamento completamente nuovo, chiamato: “La stimolazione naturale della motivazione interiore del singolo cane”. Questo metodo è attualmente utilizzato in molte scuole di cani. La mia esperienza sta nel risolvere i problemi di comportamento del cane. Ho sviluppato un programma per computer sul comportamento dei cani (ProHond(C). Questo programma è ancora in uso all’Università di Utrecht (UU) per insegnare ai futuri veterinari. Durante la mia carriera ho aiutato con successo migliaia di proprietari di cani. Con questo blog spero di poterti aiutare anche su tutte le tue domande o problemi riguardanti il ​​tuo cane. Si prega di inviare le vostre domande e io risponderò a breve. In questa pagina del blog fornisco consigli gratuiti a tutti i proprietari di cani. Puoi anche contattarmi per aiuto personale a casa tua. Per questa consultazione a casa, devo chiedere una commissione. Dear Visitor of DOGHELP blog for your dog….. | Blog di doghelp I am a Dog and Wolf behavior expert. Worked with wolves, dogs and foxes for 30+ years. Participated at Television programs on dog agression. Writing columns for several newspapers in Europa as well as the United Sttes of America. During the 90′ I have developed a whole new training method called: The Natural stimulation of the inner motivation of the individual dog method. This method is currently used in many dog training courses. Specialized in resolving Dog behavior problems. Helping people to resolve their dog related questions and problems. I am here to answer all your questions concerning dog behavior. I will help you resolve your dog problems.