Dog on a chain;

Dog on a chain;

In the old days it was quite common for yard dogs or farm dogs to be chained. In the Netherlands, this form of animal abuse was banned in a protection law of 1962. Unfortunately, this law was overturned by politicians in 2014. A new animal welfare law, which was supposed to be so much better, came into effect. In my opinion, the new legislation offers less protection to animals and dogs in particular in several respects. Dog on a chain;

The new law was signed by the king as usual. But what do you want… .. a king who is an avid hunter himself. I always ask myself: can a hunter be an animal lover? Isn’t that like a serial killer who loves people?

Animals also have the right to protection of their interests. There are many serious problems in the world and cruelty to animals is one of them. Most politicians are frivolous about the neglect and mistreatment of animals. They are simply not interested.

What’s wrong with keeping dogs on a chain?

You completely deprive the animal of its personal freedom and you undermine its ability and need for social behavior. The animal feels trapped and strongly impeded in its freedom of movement. The animal is completely deprived of its social potential. Among other things, the animals are hindered from developing their natural flight behavior.

For this reason, chain dogs are almost always aggressive animals, which are usually impossible to approach. They express their aggressiveness, which is often caused by fear and lack of confidence.

Not only in the Netherlands, but also in many other countries there are little or no adequate laws for the protection of animals. Although some laws seem reasonably adequate on paper, in practice it appears that the laws are often difficult or impossible to enforce. In addition, there is also a lack of interest or manpower among enforcers to adequately monitor animal welfare laws.

In Italy, an action has been started against keeping dogs on a chain. In only two Italian regions (Campania and Umbria) there is a complete ban on chain dogs.

The Italian campaign was started by David Zanforlini. David Zanforlini is a lawyer expert in animal rights, eco-mafia and environmental pollution, former chairman of Legambiente’s Legal Action Centers: and uses his Facebook page to join forces for more just laws to protect the environment and animals. You can show your support through his Facebook page:

Although there are already various rules in various countries regarding HOW to keep dogs on a chain, this obviously does not solve anything. The only proper protection for our dogs is a complete, total ban on keeping dogs on a chain. Such legislation should be introduced at a European level, so that all Member States must comply with it.

If you have any questions and / or comments, please let me know.

Published by doghelp

Caro visitatore, benvenuto nel blog di DOGHELP per il tuo cane … .. Sono un esperto nel comportamento di cani e lupi. Ho lavorato con lupi, cani e volpi per oltre 30 anni. Ho partecipato a programmi televisivi sul comportamento dei cani domestici e sull’aggressione dei cani. Ho scritto articoli sul comportamento dei cani per diversi giornali e settimanali negli Stati Uniti d’America e in Europa. Ho iniziato a lavorare con i cani come istruttore certificato presso la Società Olandese per la Protezione degli Animali (DB). Sono istruttore di cani ufficialmente certificato dalla SPCA. (oltre ad altre certificazioni). Durante gli anni ’90 ho sviluppato un metodo di allenamento completamente nuovo, chiamato: “La stimolazione naturale della motivazione interiore del singolo cane”. Questo metodo è attualmente utilizzato in molte scuole di cani. La mia esperienza sta nel risolvere i problemi di comportamento del cane. Ho sviluppato un programma per computer sul comportamento dei cani (ProHond(C). Questo programma è ancora in uso all’Università di Utrecht (UU) per insegnare ai futuri veterinari. Durante la mia carriera ho aiutato con successo migliaia di proprietari di cani. Con questo blog spero di poterti aiutare anche su tutte le tue domande o problemi riguardanti il ​​tuo cane. Si prega di inviare le vostre domande e io risponderò a breve. In questa pagina del blog fornisco consigli gratuiti a tutti i proprietari di cani. Puoi anche contattarmi per aiuto personale a casa tua. Per questa consultazione a casa, devo chiedere una commissione. Dear Visitor of DOGHELP blog for your dog….. | Blog di doghelp I am a Dog and Wolf behavior expert. Worked with wolves, dogs and foxes for 30+ years. Participated at Television programs on dog agression. Writing columns for several newspapers in Europa as well as the United Sttes of America. During the 90′ I have developed a whole new training method called: The Natural stimulation of the inner motivation of the individual dog method. This method is currently used in many dog training courses. Specialized in resolving Dog behavior problems. Helping people to resolve their dog related questions and problems. I am here to answer all your questions concerning dog behavior. I will help you resolve your dog problems.