(Dear) Dogs, (Naughty) Children2;

(Dear) Dogs, (Naughty) Children2;

Young children and dogs share common behavior; that they can often react impulsively, creating potentially dangerous situations that can escalate in a second. (Dear) Dogs, (Naughty) Children2;

Dog and Baby Nap Together

It is an established fact that most dog bites are inflicted on members of the family. In the majority of cases, children are the victims!

Why? The answer is simple: adults often do not see and / or understand the behavior of the dog.

For a safe friendship between children & dogs, guidance from an adult – with full knowledge of the facts – is absolutely necessary.

An example; In many families, walking the dog is left to the child. However, young children do not have the ability to always correctly assess situations and to guide the dog from a calm assertiveness. In addition, younger children will never take a higher rank in relation to the dog. In other words; A young child is never in charge of the dog.

Dealing with dogs is something you have to learn. In most cases it is not something that goes by itself. This applies to us adults, but certainly also to children.

Especially when children do not want to comply with the rules set by the parents or owners of a dog, then at some point the relationship between the child and the dog will go wrong.

The dog will then, in response to the child’s improper actions, exhibit certain behaviors, such as running away, turning its head, licking its mouth, growling, baring its teeth, or even biting. The dog is almost always blamed for an incident.

Obviously this should be avoided!

There are a number of “rules of the game” that ensure that the risk can be kept to an acceptable minimum. (Always be aware that supervision is always necessary to prevent or properly supervise undesirable situations).

Some rules for children;

1. The owner of the dog is the person who guides contact between the child and the dog.

2. Do not leave the dog alone with a (young) child or let the child walk the dog. Not even if the child belongs to their own family!

3. Always allow children to approach the dog calmly.

4. If the dog runs away, make sure the child leaves the dog alone.

5. When the dog is sleeping, do not let the child disturb the animal.

6. If the dog is eating or has a bone; keep the children away from the dog.

7. Respect for the dog’s own “space”. Leave the dog alone if it withdraws.

8. Do not keep fingers or objects near the dog’s eyes, ears or nose and mouth.

9. Forbid the child from letting the dog jump on him.

10. The child should control his temperament in front of the dog.

11. Leave the contact initiative to the dog. The child is forbidden to impose himself on the dog.

12. It is absolutely forbidden for a child to climb on the dog or approach him with his toys.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this article, please let me know.

Published by doghelp

Caro visitatore, benvenuto nel blog di DOGHELP per il tuo cane … .. Sono un esperto nel comportamento di cani e lupi. Ho lavorato con lupi, cani e volpi per oltre 30 anni. Ho partecipato a programmi televisivi sul comportamento dei cani domestici e sull’aggressione dei cani. Ho scritto articoli sul comportamento dei cani per diversi giornali e settimanali negli Stati Uniti d’America e in Europa. Ho iniziato a lavorare con i cani come istruttore certificato presso la Società Olandese per la Protezione degli Animali (DB). Sono istruttore di cani ufficialmente certificato dalla SPCA. (oltre ad altre certificazioni). Durante gli anni ’90 ho sviluppato un metodo di allenamento completamente nuovo, chiamato: “La stimolazione naturale della motivazione interiore del singolo cane”. Questo metodo è attualmente utilizzato in molte scuole di cani. La mia esperienza sta nel risolvere i problemi di comportamento del cane. Ho sviluppato un programma per computer sul comportamento dei cani (ProHond(C). Questo programma è ancora in uso all’Università di Utrecht (UU) per insegnare ai futuri veterinari. Durante la mia carriera ho aiutato con successo migliaia di proprietari di cani. Con questo blog spero di poterti aiutare anche su tutte le tue domande o problemi riguardanti il ​​tuo cane. Si prega di inviare le vostre domande e io risponderò a breve. In questa pagina del blog fornisco consigli gratuiti a tutti i proprietari di cani. Puoi anche contattarmi per aiuto personale a casa tua. Per questa consultazione a casa, devo chiedere una commissione. Dear Visitor of DOGHELP blog for your dog….. | Blog di doghelp I am a Dog and Wolf behavior expert. Worked with wolves, dogs and foxes for 30+ years. Participated at Television programs on dog agression. Writing columns for several newspapers in Europa as well as the United Sttes of America. During the 90′ I have developed a whole new training method called: The Natural stimulation of the inner motivation of the individual dog method. This method is currently used in many dog training courses. Specialized in resolving Dog behavior problems. Helping people to resolve their dog related questions and problems. I am here to answer all your questions concerning dog behavior. I will help you resolve your dog problems.